Vicarious thrills of delivering flowers

The day Casino Magnate Glenn Carano tipped me $28 for delivering flowers, I decided to embrace deliveries as a fascinating part of my micro business.

Initially, being asked to deliver felt like an unavoidable imposition. My plan had been to create a subscription business, so I would efficiently drop six bouquets at each point. In my micro business model, I felt I wouldn’t have time for deliveries. Not to mention the perils of mean dogs and ambiguous addresses.

When my business model evolved to include great customers who regularly buy occasional bouquets, I had no choice. It turns out delivering flowers is fascinating. It allows me to live vicariously. I become involved in celebrations, surprises and gestures of solace. I get to see my flowers impacting people.

I have a customer who is a busy surgeon. She often sends bouquets to caregivers in the cancer care continuum. Caregivers have harrowing jobs, so she reminds them to smile and take a breath. I love writing these peppy notes, even when I must pretend my handwriting is legible.

Flower deliveries remind me to smile and feel thrilled too!




You know you’re a Flower Farmer if…